The Nozzle Operator Certificate is obtained after attending and passing the course and handing in proof of minimum 40 days robotic spraying experience.
In the case of renewals of certifications obtained before 2023, it will be sufficient to repeat the theory exam and hand in proof of 40 days spraying activity since the last certification.
The course
Module 1 - Theory session
Classroom theory to be taught by the EFNARC Examiner is continually being updated, involving both basic and advanced theory covering subjects such as materials, spraying equipment, spraying techniques and HSE. The course materials are available in different languages.
Module 1 held by Examiner Kevin Stubberfield
Module 2 - Theory exam
Each course participant individually completes a theory exam online which includes 30 multiple-choice questions randomly selected from EFNARC’s database. The pass-mark is 20 correct answers. The exam is available in multiple languages (EN, DE, IT, ES, FI).
Module 3 - Training and assessment in Virtual Reality (VR)
The course participants go through different scenarios on VR-simulators specifically developed for training and assessment. All simulated scenarios have to be passed in order to comply with the module requirements, independent of the time needed to do so (participants will be given 3 days on the simulator), and verified by the simulator only.
Course participants doing Module 3 on two VR-simulators in the UK
Module 4 - Work experience
Individuals that go through an EFNARC course need to demonstrate at least 40 days of robotic spraying experience to be able to obtain the final certificate. The experience document to be handed in can be signed by a supervisor, manager, shift boss or similar.
Module 5 held by Examiner Sebastian Jehle
Module 5 - Practical assessment
Operators who have handed in proof of experience will do this module directly on day 5 of the EFNARC Nozzle Operator course.
Inexperienced operators will be able to attend the course and come back to do Module 5 once they can prove the required spraying experience of min. 40 days. Alternatively, they can agree with the Examiner to have him conduct the assessment directly on a jobsite once the required experience has been acquired.
For further details, download the EFNARC Training and Certification Plan
EFNARC courses are held at locations around the world
EFNARC course held in Flums, Switzerland, in September 2019
EFNARC course held in London, UK, in November 2019